Sign the petition

Workers and unions fight for fair wages, paid sick leave, pensions, and workplace safety. Today, we have the right to do that. But not for much longer if this goes through. Yesterday, Jason Kenney introduced legislation that will tip the scales against working...

UCP Reducing Rights of Unions

Bill proposes big changes to union funding, picketingLabour leader calls legislation unconstitutional, vows to fight itEdmonton Journal8 Jul 2020ASHLEY JOANNOUCHRIS SCHWARZ/GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTAMinister of Labour and Immigration Jason Copping and associate minister of...

Private Health Care??

Private facilities touted in health billUCP says quicker approval process would shorten surgery wait timesEdmonton Journal7 Jul 2020LISA JOHNSONTyler ShandroAn omnibus bill introduced in the Alberta legislature Monday would make it easier for doctors to opt in to...

Public Sector Pension Bill

Ucp-dominated committee votes to kill debate on public-sector pension billNdp-proposed changes would have let pensions plan boards opt out of AIMCOEdmonton Journal7 Jul 2020ASHLEY JOANNOUA bipartisan committee has recommended Alberta’s legislative assembly not debate...